
Welcome to Jacob’s masterclass, Changing Mindsets: Renewing Your Mind. In each episode, Jacob will explore what it means to renew our minds as the Bible encourages us to do and provide practical ways to do this. Throughout this series, Jacob will cover a range of topics such as how to guard your heart, having the mind of Christ, and being anxious for nothing. Our prayer is that this masterclass would not just be information, but content that sparks transformation within you and strengthens your personal relationship with God.


  • 1

    The Power of Your Thoughts

    • How often do you think about your thinking? In this introductory session, learn about the power of your thoughts and how changing the way you think can lead to significant personal transformation.

  • 2

    How the Mind Works

    • Where do you choose to fix your thoughts? Tune in as Jacob discusses how pathways are formed in the brain, what unhelpful thinking styles to avoid, and how you can use compassion to redirect thoughts you’d rather not think!

  • 3

    Guard Your Heart: Mental Diet

    • In this episode, you’ll learn that when you guard your heart - or your “thinking” - it determines the course of your life! Stay tuned and be encouraged to feed your brain on what Jesus has to offer.

  • 4

    Guard Your Heart: Self Talk

    • In this session, you’ll learn how to identify the types of thoughts we have – whether they be obvious or more subtle. Doing so will empower you to live a life that is framed by the Word of God rather than the things of this world.

  • 5

    The Mind of Christ

    • The way we see the world around determines how we experience it. During this session, lean in and discover how we can have the mind of Christ, which will allow you to look at life through His point of view and experience life to the full!

  • 6

    Killing Comparison

    • Did you know there are things about you that put a smile on God’s face? Listen in as Jacob talks about the importance you have to play in the body of Christ and how nothing can skew your self-view more than comparison.

  • 7

    Be Anxious for Nothing

    • Have you ever felt like a less faith-filled Christian if you experience anxiety? For this particular session, join Jacob in exploring what anxiety is and how we can battle this extremely common struggle for us as humans.

  • 8

    Be Still

    • In this last session, you will learn how to reinforce all of the improvements to your thought life to ensure longevity. Become inspired by the way that even God slowed down long enough to engage in the present moment and found meaning in His work.

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    • Changing Mindsets: Renewing Your Mind Workbook

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    • We would love to hear from you!

Meet Your Lecturer

Student Development Manager

Jacob Laidler

Jacob is the Student Development Manager at Hillsong College. Having his Master of Psychology degree, his time is largely spent caring for the mental wellbeing of our student body and coaching individuals to take practical steps towards being the healthiest versions of themselves.

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