
Welcome to Angela’s masterclass, Personal Leadership: How to Know the Will of God. In each lesson, Angela will explore how to go on the journey of discovering God’s will for your life. Throughout this series, she will discuss different approaches to the will of God, how to walk in God’s will, and keys to aligning your steps with His plan. Our prayer is that this masterclass would equip you to grow in your personal leadership as you follow God’s will and outwork His purposes in your life and in your sphere of influence.


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    The Overarching Will of God

    • In the Word of God we find an overarching will for all of our lives. Join Angela as she explores what the Bible has to say about God’s will for your life and the lives of those around you.

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    Common Approaches: The Tight Rope & the Map

    • Have you ever stopped to think about how you approach the will of God? In this lesson, Angela will inspire you to analyse how you think about God and his plan.

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    Common Approaches: The Wardrobe & the Compass

    • Join Angela as she continues analysing common approaches to the will of God. By the end of this lesson you will be encouraged afresh to place your trust in God!

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    How Do I Walk In God’s Will? Part 1

    • Are you ready to get practical? In this lesson, Angela outlines the first two things you can practically implement in your spiritual walk so you can be in alignment with God and the gifts He has given you.

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    How Do I Walk In God’s Will Part? 2

    • In part two of this inspiring session, Angela outlines the next two things you can practically implement in your daily walk with God: being led by the Spirit and stepping out in faith.

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    4 Tests When Making Decisions

    • Have you ever stopped and analysed how you normally go about your decision making process? Be ready with a pen and paper as Angela takes you through the 4 tests of decision making.

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    Keys to Following God’s Plan For Your Life: Part 1

    • In part 1 of her last lesson, Angela outlines the first 3 keys to following God’s plan for your life. This lesson will inspire you to examine your own life and energize you as you walk more closely with God.

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    Keys to Following God’s Plan For Your Life: Part 2

    • In her final lesson, Angela highlights the last 3 keys to following God’s plan for your life. These keys will equip and empower you with the confidence to follow God’s will as you outwork His purpose in your life and your sphere of influence.

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    • We would love to hear from you!

About Your Lecturer

Principal, Australia

Angela Bachtle

Angela is the principal of Hillsong College Australia. Having nearly three decades of ministry experience and being on staff at Hillsong for 11 years, Angela brings a wealth of practical ministry experience to every class she teaches. Angela and her husband also pastor a Hillsong Church campus in Sydney.

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